Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP preparation course)

Escola: Behaviour, Lda


Achieve the Expertise in the field of cloud Security with CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Training and Certification

This five-day CCSP® exam preparation course deals with the security concepts to be mastered in order to obtain certification. In an accelerated but rigorous manner, this training prepares the student for the examination, covering the entirety of the Common Body of Knowledge about security (CBK). The CBK covers: Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design, Cloud Data Security, Cloud Platform & Infrastructure Security, Cloud Application Security, Cloud Security Operations and Legal, Risk and Compliance.


In this certification preparation course, participants will review the main concepts of cloud security according to the domains of the CCSP® certification, consolidate their knowledge through exam simulation questions during the course and final exam simulation in order to assess their level of knowledge and the amount of effort needed to be aligned and perform successfully the certification exam.


Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design

Cloud Data Security

Cloud Platform & Infrastructure Security

Cloud Application Security

Cloud Security Operations

Legal, Risk and Compliance

Exam Preparation: Simulation Exam


Experienced cybersecurity and IT/ICT professionals who are involved in transitioning to and maintaining cloud-based solutions and services, such as:

-Enterprise Architect

-Security Administrator

-Systems Engineer

-Security Architect

-Security Consultant

-Security Engineer

-Security Manager

-Systems Architect


-Understand legal frameworks and guidelines that affect cloud services.

-Recognize the fundamentals of data privacy regulatory/legislative mandates.

-Assess risks, vulnerability, threats, and attacks in the cloud environment.

-Evaluate the design and plan for cloud infrastructure security controls.

-Evaluate what is necessary to manage security operations.

-Understand what operational controls and standards to implement.

-Describe the types of cloud deployment models in the types of “as a service” cloud models currently available today.



Participants must understand English since the provided documentation is written in that language.


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