
ISO 27001:2013 Bridging

Behaviour, Lda
  • Tipo: Formação Profissional
  • Método: Presencial
  • Duração: Flexível/Não determinada
  • Preço: A consultar

ISO 27001:2013 Bridging

This course enables the participants to learn about the best practices for implementing and managing an Information Security Management System (ISMS) as specified in ISO/IEC 27001:2013, as well as the best practices for implementing the information security controls of the eleven domains of the ISO 27002. This training also helps to understand how ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 are linked with ISO 27003 (Guidelines for the implementation of an ISMS), ISO 27004 (Measurement of information security) and ISO 27005 (Risk Management in Information Security).

For more information about this course and certification please see: http://www.behaviour-group.com/PT/?page_id=6793

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Locais da Formação

  • Local: Sede Principal (Lisboa, Lisboa)

    Turno: Não indicado

    Datas: Curso aberto todo o Ano

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